CommonSpirit Associated Surgeons St. Anthony
Dedicated to delivering better patient care through the trusted, expert and caring hands of our physicians.
We take great care to assure that our patients are informed and educated about their procedure and are committed to securing the best possible outcomes. We are available around the clock and collaborate with our referring physician colleagues, using efficient communication that reduces duplication of services and results in better patient care.
Our Services
CommonSpirit St. Anthony Associated Surgeons offers minimally invasive surgery, general surgery, same-day consultation, (within 24 hours of receiving a call), 24/7 continuous coverage and same-day typed Electronic Medical Report (EMR) at each office visit and consult. Surgeries are performed at St. Anthony Hospital.
General Surgery
St. Anthony Associated Surgeons performs the following types of general surgeries at St. Anthony Hospital. If you are looking for a surgery that is not listed below, please call us for more information.
- Hemorrhoid
- Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy
- Stapled/PPH Hemorrhoidectomy (Dr. Beck Only)
- Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Evacuation
- Hemorrhoid Banding
- Anal Fistula
- Anal Fissure
- Polyps
- Condylomata
- Colostomy
- Colon Cancer
- Diverticulitis
- Adrenal Surgery
- Parathyroid Surgery
- Thyroid Surgery
- Inguinal
- Femoral
- Incisional
- Ventral
- Gallbladder
- Biopsy of Liver
- Wedge Resection of Tumors
- Cancer Surgery
- Pancreatitis
- Pseudocysts
- Whipple Procedure for Cancer Resection
- Lipomas
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Moles
- Melanoma
- Skin Cancer Surgery
- Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection
- Ulcer Surgery, Pyloroplasty, Vagotomy, Antrectomy, Highly Selective Vagotomy and Gastrojejunostomy
- Stomach Cancer, Gastrectomy, Partial Gastrectomy
- Gastric Stimulation for Gastroparesis
- Wedge Resection of Polyps/Tumors
- Hiatal Hernia Surgery
- Feeding Tubes
- Gastrostomy, Open vs. Laparoscopic
- Jejunostomy,Open vs. Laparoscopic
- Tunneled Ports
- Catheters for IV Infusion
- Cancer (etc.)
Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic procedures involve lung, air way, chest wall, esophagus or pleura.
- Rib Resection
- Tumor Resection: Sarcoma, Chondrosarcoma
- Diaphragm Hernia Surgery
- Diaphragmatic Plication for Paralyzed Diaphragm
- Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
- Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy with or without Fundoplication.
- Surgery for Achalasia
- VATS = Video Assisted Thorascopic Surgery
- Wedge resection of lung
- Large Bullous Surgery
- Biopsy of lung, pleura, chest wall
- Mediastinoscopy
- Rigid and Flexible Bronchoscopy
- Rigid Esophagoscopy
- Pleurodesis for recurrent pneumothorax, pleural effusion
- Fast track trans tracheal oxygen catheter placement
- Foreign body removal from airways
- Removal of some benign esophageal tumors
- Surgery for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating)
- Removal of some benign tumors of lung for diagnosis and treatment
- Wedge resection of lung
- Lobectomy
- Pneumonectomy
- Tube Thoracostomy
- Chest wall tumor resection
- Mediastinal tumors
- Myasthenia gravis
- Diaphragm hernia
- Esophageal cancer surgery
- Tracheostomy
- Fast tract trans tracheal oxygen catheter placement
- Tracheal stenosis
Laparoscopic Surgery
St. Anthony Associated Surgeons performs the following types of laparoscopic surgeries at St. Anthony Hospital. If you are looking for a surgery that is not listed below, please call us for more information.
- Appendectomy
- Adrenalectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Colon Resections:
- Colon Cancer
- Diverticulitis
- Inguinal & Ventral Hernia Repairs
- Lysis of Adhesions
- Nissen Fundoplication
- Splenectomy
General surgery services we provide
- Same-day consultation, or within 24 hours of receiving a call
- 24/7 continuous coverage
- Same-day typed Electronic Medical Report (EMR) on each office visit and consult.

Patient Resources
Preoperative instructions
- Do not take any Aspirin or any Anti-Inflammatory drugs such as, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, and Motrin or Naprosyn one week prior to your surgery, unless cleared by your surgeon. You may take Tylenol.
- Do not eat or drink anything the day of your surgery, or your surgery will likely be cancelled. Only the Anesthesiologist can give the approval to drink on the morning of surgery.
- Please do not shave surgical site prior to surgery. If necessary the nurse will shave the area on the day of your surgery.
- Check with your surgeon or anesthesiologist to see if it is OK to take any prescribed medications you may be on.
- If you have been given your X-ray films, please bring them with you to the hospital on the day of your surgery.
Please call if you have any questions prior to your surgery.
Post-operative instructions
- A pain medicine prescription will be provided either at the time of your preoperative visit or following your procedure. Notify your surgeon if you have a preference.
- Over the counter laxatives such as Metamucil or Citrucel are recommended to ease problems with constipation.
- The outer dressing applied the day of surgery can usually be removed 2 days after the procedure. A shower can be taken on the 2nd day post surgery. No bath or hot tub for one week.
- An ice pack is recommended for the first 24-48 hours after surgery. NO HEATING PADS! Ice can help decrease swelling and or bleeding in the wound.
- Local anesthetics may be injected at the time of surgery. It is not unusual to develop more discomfort once you return home. Take your pain medication prior to the pain getting out of control.
- Watch for signs of infection: redness, drainage, increasing pain. Wound infections when present usually occur three to seven days after surgery, call if you have any questions.
- Your post operative appointment for suture removal and wound check should be approximately seven to 14 days after discharge from the hospital. Please be sure you have an appointment made for follow-up.
- Activity Instructions: No lifting 15 lbs for six weeks after surgery. Walking is good but no strenuous activity for six weeks.
Your surgeon is Board Certified with the American Board of Surgery and is honored to be a part of your care. Please call should you have any questions or concerns.